The Men's CoachThe School for Men

I help Men create

Love, Power, and Freedom

in every area of their lives.

More sex, more money, more freedom.
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Hi, I’m Michael! I help men create Love, Power, and Freedom in every area of their lives. And I’m on a mission to make the world a better place, one man at a time.

Learn more about me and my story here. And if you are a high achieving man who is ready and willing to truly have it all, you should seriously consider doing some work with me.

In 2014, I created The Conference For Men, which welcomed over 100 men to San Diego to do some of the deepest personal work of their lives.

Today I run The School For Men, a global community of men committed to mastering the game of life.

And I truly believe that “what one man can do, any man can do.” So let’s start being awesome together my brother.