The Men's CoachThe School for Men

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Mike’s presence is simply, love.

Dane MaxwellHead Honcho at The Foundation

In the dictionary next to the word “heart” there should be a picture of Mike Hrostoski.  Many coaches that talk about how to live with an open heart, but he embodies it, and lives it.  Mike has helped me see that living with an open heart is not about constant bliss like others promise; it’s often raw, messy and vulnerable.  Who better to be my guide than the man who can show up fully in that space himself?  Working with Mike is a gift every man should get.

Dave BoodaFounder at The Male Blueprint

I don’t know anyone else like Mike. As an artist and poet, I find his story and professional trajectory to be both profound and inspiring. Drawing from a tragedy that would leave many people bitter and resentful, Mike has devoted his life to loving fiercely and courageously.

I think my favorite thing about Mike is that he so openly embraces everything about himself—even the unconventional and potentially embarrassing. I’ve watched him hone his ability to relate to both men and women from a place of love and support that few can emulate. Combined with his soul-warming hugs and passion for service and giving, I don’t know many people who I can watch from afar and appreciate so much.

I share many of Mike’s inclinations, but he puts his evolution on a stage in public service on a scale that’s both impressive and the result of much hard work. This is no seasonal pursuit, either—Mike actively invests in himself in order to be the absolute best coach he can be.

I’m incredibly proud to know Mike, and grateful to call him a friend (and brother).

Willie JacksonDirector of Web Optimization at W3 EDGE and Creator at

You know the kind of man you meet and immediately know is the real deal?  The kind of man who doesn’t hesitate to treat a perfect stranger with complete appreciation and respect, because that’s what he feels for himself?  The kind of man you see across the room, and for some reason you just feel drawn to connect with?

Well, that’s Mike.

It has been my biggest challenge as a modern man to move through life with an open mind and an open heart.  But life has a funny way of turning our biggest challenges into our biggest rewards.  Every time I have ever shared a moment with Mike, he has helped me move toward openness.  The rewards have been among the greatest in my life, and they have not stopped flowing to this day.

If you are reading this and even considering working with Mike, I suspect there is a little voice tugging at you from within.  Please, please listen to that voice.

Shogo GarciaFounder at The Social Generation

Mike is the real deal. He’s constantly expanding himself so he can help his clients expand further. He cuts through the crap and delivers results. If you’re ready to get to the root of what’s stopping you from experiencing all the happiness, health, and success you deserve, talk to Mike.

Phil DroletCEO/Peak Performance Coach at The Feel Good Lifestyle

Mike’s coaching and persistent outlook on all things men, relationships, and entrepreneurialism help me immensely when it comes to pushing my edge and living a better version of myself. There’s no question that his guidance and mentorship over the last year has led me to new opportunities and a fresh lens with which to view life through. I look forward to what’s next with Mike and his larger vision for men!

Chris ArnoldPartner at Authentic Form & Function

Mike is the man! He helped me launch my own personal business and within three months helped me more than double the income I was making from my job. His calm, strong, and honest presence was always able to cut through anything I was struggling with. I would come out of sessions not only energized but also perfectly equipped with what to tackle next.

There is a new generation of men growing: men that are masculine, intuitive, and kicking ass on all fronts of life. And Mike is leading the way for these men.

Oh, and after some brief coaching on my sexual practice, I had possibly the greatest orgasm of my life. No joke. I excitedly texted him right after.

Ben WestonFounder at Dance Floor Arsenal

Mike Hrostoski brings to his coaching a rare blend of quiet confidence and balls-to-the-wall rebellion, but it’s his ability to hold space in even the most trying circumstances that separates him from the other coaches I have worked with. His commitment to seeking in every moment to be a better man makes everyone around him reach deep for their best to match him. His passion for making a difference is core to his work and his life, and his ability to make and foster deep connections leads to any number of interesting things happening when you are in his presence.

Angela LauriaPresident at The Author Incubator

Mike has the uncanny ability to be unbelievably direct with his feedback, while at the same time, remaining loving, open and supportive. Whether you are ready to hear what he has to say is another story, though it usually has an alarming degree of truth—and probably a few ways to get you unstuck and thriving. Whenever we speak, I feel like I’m getting the “real” him—not a performance or a facade. It’s who he is, warts and all: unapologetic, courageous, and bold. I’ve definitely become a better person because of our relationship.

Nathan AginOwner at Virtual Nathan and Founder at Nonstop Awesomeness

Since meeting him at a private retreat in Mexico two years ago, Mike has influenced me to focus on and improve my relationship with myself and my relationships with those around me more than anyone I know. On top of that, he is an absolute master at reframing and helping you see the good in situations you might not otherwise see.

Karol GajdaCreator at

Mike is the master of deep diving, intuitive knowing, and shining a light down the darkest corners of the human psyche. Through his poignant questions, patient presence and gentle yet firm nudging, Mike provided me a safe environment in which to examine my habits and recognize my obstacles. Paired with his support, suggestions, and personalized assignments, this open space allowed me to release my past hurts, thus creating space for the love of my life, the work opportunity of a lifetime and a new, permanent set of beliefs that will support me in building up my biggest dreams.

Erin McNaughtonCopywriter for Purpose-Driven Entrepreneurs

Mike lives his life to the fullest every day and empowers others to do the same. Without judgment — both by not judging others and not caring what other people think — he inspires by doing. Mike lives and breathes what he coaches and I leave a better person every time we connect. Mike both listens and teaches and I’m grateful to call him a friend.

Jimmy TomczakFounder at Nothing Says

I’m truly grateful to have worked with Mike this year. I launched my blog, improved my relationships, got contacted by 10 prospective employers, negotiated a higher salary, and got my business moving again, all while raising my one year old son. Mike is a gifted coach with a knack for identifying hidden snags and he loves to over-deliver.

Matt ParrettSystems Engineer at Broken Bulb Studios and Creator at

Mike helped me to get super clear that I was holding myself back because I was afraid of letting other people down, and was letting other people’s priorities take precedence to my own. After only two sessions with him I have created and implemented clearly defined boundaries in relationships and business. I have also upped my high leverage, focused work time by more than 10 hours a week, and I feel confident on when to say no and when to say yes in both my personal and professional life!

Kate MaroltPlay Warrior and Excitement Engineer at

Mike’s coaching took me from a place of uncertainty to massive confidence. His empowering presence provided me the strength to move past the fear of going after the opportunities I most wanted — both in my professional and intimate relationships. I had multiple breakthroughs within those relationships which enabled me to have one of the most transformational years of my life so far. This ultimately led to having the best relationship ever with the person that truly matters most in life — myself.

Max MendozaChief Explorer at Modern Explorers and Storyteller at

Mike is raw, honest and real and inspires you to show up bigger in the world, boldly asking for what you want.


Kevin KurganskyCEO & Founder at The Breakup Doctor