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Until We Meet Again Asheville


Asheville friends,

Wow. What an awesome several weeks this has been for me.

The Super Bowl, Neo Burrito, UNC vs. Duke basketball, Taco 12-packs, stromboli, Zumba classes, King’s Cup, Valentine’s Day, Charlotte Bobcats, Where’s Waldo, Five Guys, dance floor domination, 12 Bones, The Arcade, hot tubs, corn dogs, new puppies, milkshakes from Cookout, taco night, endless margaritas, and a spontaneous marathon.

The past couple weeks wouldn’t have been the same without all of you. Of anywhere in the world that we could be living and/or working, we are all here. We are all truly lucky for these friendships.

As I travel back to New Jersey and leave you all here, one thing is certain: we are all facing a great deal of uncertainty in the near future. In several months many of us will be living in a new state, acclimating to a new city, new work climate and new culture.

My future is even more uncertain that most of yours. In a week I will officially be unemployed and homeless. It’s an exciting, yet terrifying thing to comprehend.

From my time working in the corporate world, I learned quickly that one of the most important attributes a leader could have was the ability to change. Those who were flexible and open to change continually reinvented themselves, changing to meet the needs of their customers, employees, and markets. Those who held firm to old ways in the face of change found themselves in a losing battle.

The only things that are certain in life are death and change. Who you are now is much different from the person you were a year ago. And in a year you will look back and you’ll find it hard to recognize who you are today.

Yes, we are facing a great deal of uncertainty in the future, but instead of fearing it we should be embracing it. When staring into the unknown, don’t worry about what’s going to happen. But rather realize that anything can happen!

And for now, savor every minute you have in Asheville. Laugh, love, eat, drink, dance, and play your faces off.

Big hugs,
