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Announcing A Summer To Serve: The Most Important Post I’ll Write This Year

In June my mom passed away unexpectedly.

In December I left my comfortable corporate job.

In February I sold or donated all of my possessions.

In March my girlfriend and I ended our relationship.

I have nothing. But I have everything. Clarity of purpose, space to be creative, and an abundance of love in my life.

It is from this place of nothingness and absolute freedom that I write this today. I am excited to announce my next big adventure: A Summer To Serve.


What is A Summer To Serve?

Think the Great American Road Trip meets the Peace Corps.

Last summer after our mother unexpectedly passed away, David and I embarked on a three and a half week long road trip across North America to honor and celebrate her life. We drove 4100 miles, spread her ashes in 40 memorable locations, and made this documentary about the adventure. It was one of the peak experiences of our lives and something that I’ll never forget.

But as you know, I’m all about growth and being better every day, every month, and every year. So we knew we had to up the stakes this year.

This summer we are dedicating a full three months of our lives to be in the service of others and we are fully motivated to use everything we know to help as many people as possible along the way. Along the way we will take hours and hours of video, which we will turn into another documentary.


How are we going to help people?

It is our intent to experience the full spectrum of volunteer service this summer. We are prepared and capable of doing everything from high level strategic and marketing work with non profits and small businesses to manual labor on highways and farms.

By nature we are healers. We love to help people and we are good at it. Ultimately, we want to help every individual that we encounter to become better versions of themselves.


Why are we doing this?

We recently asked dozens of people the following question: “What would you do if money wasn’t an issue?” The three responses we got the most frequently were:

1. Volunteer
2. Spend time with family
3. Travel

A Summer To Serve hits on all these of these major buckets in an epic way. With our mother’s recent passing, we realize that we only have so much time to pursue our dreams and do things that make us happy.

We have no idea what we’re getting ourselves into, but we fully believe that if something scares you, you should do it. So we are.


In three days I turn 31…

And all I want for my birthday is the support to make this trip happen.

Please help us in any of the following ways:

1. Let us know if you want to be involved whether it’s a place to stay or if you know of a person or organization that could use a little help.

2. Donate via our Indiegogo page.

3. Spread the word about A Summer To Serve to your family and friends (you can start by sharing this post!).

  • Jenna

    Always welcome at my house. You can come to NightStrike if you want while you are in town:

    • Mike Hrostoski

      Jenna, this is great! We should definitely do this before WDS.

  • Emily

    Love. How wonderful. You are welcome at our home in Austin anytime.

  • Nicky Hajal

    You rock dude, so excited to watch your journey unfold and participate along the way wherever I can. #boom

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