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The Conference For Men

The Conference For Men

After leaving the Trailblazer’s Retreat in Costa Rica, I knew what I had to do. It’s been an idea in the back of my head for almost a year now. But now I’ve told too many people about it and they’re making me do it.

I’m creating THE personal development conference for badass, amazing men. As I’ve traveled the world for the past 18 months, I’ve met dozens of incredible men who have similar pain points…

  • I don’t have enough deep connection in my life.
  • I have no close guy friends operating at my level.
  • I’m not interested in drinking beer, watching football, and going to strip clubs anymore.
  • My friends think I’m weird for wanting a better life.
  • This isn’t fun anymore. I want something more.
  • Damn. I wish I had more friends like me who were also trying to make a dent in the universe.

I don’t have that problem.

I get to spend time with amazing men (and women) every time I’m in a new city. I’m extremely grateful and fortunate for this lifestyle. But not everyone can just sell everything they own and live out of a suitcase.

So I’m creating a conference to share my super awesome network of men with other super awesome men to create even more super awesome men… for the sake of all women.

It’s time for me to step up in a serious way and this is the first step. I’m thinking next April in San Diego.

They say you’re supposed to give yourself 6 months for a conference. I’d love to do it earlier, but so be it.

There is still copy to write, conference centers to reserve, and speakers to book.

It will most likely be April 25 and 26 since it’s the weekend after my birthday and I want to celebrate it with all of my best friends. It’s MY life remember?

I’m thinking 150-200 tickets. Thought leaders in sexuality, spirituality, masculine/feminine polarity, confidence, presence, health, and entrepreneurship. Incredible stories, experiential learning opportunities, and mindset shifts.

And I already have half of the speakers lined up, they just don’t know it yet.

Action. Accountability. Alchemy.

Bacon. Bourbon. Bro hugs.

Connection. Contribution. Collaboration.

Consider this a very, very soft launch. I’m just testing the waters.

So… who’s in?

Are you interested in:

A. Attending?

B. Speaking?

C. Supporting me in it’s creation?

Let me know.

It’s happening with or without you. I’d much rather have you there though.

To growth!


PS – Share this with the amazing guys in your life. They should be there too.

PPS – Just mark it on your calendar for now. More details to come soon.

  • Henry H

    Yuuuuuuup. In.

    Also, first.

    • Mike Hrostoski

      Boom! My man. Number one as usual.

  • Zach Friedman

    I’d be down.

  • Florence M Jones

    First of all, LOVE LOVE LOVE the picture!! You guys are absolutely AWESOME!! I LOVE your idea, and I woud LOVE to participate. I will sign up to help plan, and if there is a topic you would like for me to cover, I will speak as well. This event will be AMAZING!!! FYI, April 26 is my birthday and this would be a wonderful way to start the next year of my life. Thank you!!

    • Florence M Jones

      uh oh, I just re-read it…men only?? Really???? I’ll just hang out back stage…LOL

  • Michael Brian

    I would love to attend and help create!

  • Sarah

    OMG I have waited to see something like this for so long. As a life and wellness coach, I see men struggle and have been praying for a place they can meet other similar men!! Yay!! Brene Brown is AMAZING when it comes to vulnerability and has done recent work studying men. Her work around this transformed my view. I will totally share this and WAY TO GO!!!
    Sarah Sihota

  • Jacob Max Winkler


    I’d love to come.

    If you wanted me to do some guided meditations, seminars on dreamwork, 12 steps, and other kinds of spiritual work, I would definitely make it.

  • Robert Domingo

    I’m in – options A, C, and maybe B (an attendee story, like WDS). I’ve been waiting for this conference, I just didn’t know it. Thanks for stepping up Mike.

  • Frank

    I’d like to attend. Though, I think your ticket range may be too small. :)

  • Sean Carley

    I’d love to attend.

  • Scott Brills

    Always there to support you bro! …”unfortunately” will be driving a rickshaw 3000 miles through India for charity all April, so won’t be able to be there in person. I know a bunch of others will be though, and it’ll turn out super awesome. :)

  • Rahul Bhambhani

    Awesome!! I’d love to speak! I’m sure Oren would be down as well.

  • James M. Ranson

    I’d love to attend!

  • Kevin Diamond

    a,b, and c. But I know there’s a lot I need to do before my voice is needed to be heard more than others. So I’ll stick with a strong interest for attending (A) and a hell of a lot of support (c)! Excited about you putting on your ‘big boy pant’. Kudos

  • Natalie

    Yes! And it’s time. Because I am getting that sense from a lot of men too Mike. For sure.

    Would love to speak and share the love with all those men 😉

  • Pavel Konoplenko

    Great idea! You know I’m in there, with all the 3 options :)

  • Camille Macres

    ummmmmm, yes. i will promote it to everyone i know and everyone i have yet to meet! you could test the waters with potential speakers and create an info product with the collaborative model i’m doing now…i have a couple men you may like to have speak, too…i’ll connect you :)

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  • Vlad C. Antohi

    Hey Mike,

    Awesome blog. I’d love to help out by attending, speaking, and helping you organize.

    Calendar – marked.

    Best, Vlad

    P.S. Did you mean 4/26 and 4/27 (Sat/Sun) or 4/25 and 4/26 (Fri/Sat)?

  • Eric Anthony

    I just found your site about two hours ago and I have been poring over your blog posts. Amazing site with truly open and heartfelt ideas. Well done. I’d love to help you in helping to create it in any way I can, and I’d love to attend.

  • Chris Ritchie

    I’m in, would prefer somewhere more central in the U.S. But seems too good to miss, will have to make the trek to San Diego. Thanks man!

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  • Constantine Arzate

    Hey Michael, I love what your doing with this site. I will attend, by all means I’d love to help out in the creation of it. And if you need a speaker on standby I’ll be near by.

  • Ric Morgan

    Am in Chicago, but could seriously get down with this. Keep me in the loop, bro’

  • Pingback: Camille Macres | Paleo, Love & Transformation: Mike Hrostoski on The Journey to Becoming a Man()

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