The Men's CoachThe School for Men

I help Men create

Love, Power, and Freedom

in every area of their lives.

More sex, more money, more freedom.
Get free tips on creating the life you want:


You are a man who has achieved a great deal of success in your life.

Financial success. Success with women. Successful adventures and experiences.

Yet something feels like it’s still missing.

Being a man today is confusing, stressful, and sometimes downright overwhelming.

The pressures of being a high performing man in today’s fast paced world raises a lot of questions that many of us aren’t prepared to handle.

What do I do now that I’ve achieved a certain level of success?
Am I allowed to want more when I already have so much?
How do I find friends
 on the same trajectory as me?
Am I going to lose everything that I’ve worked so hard for?
How do I truly master the world of women?
Is the stress from this business going to ruin my health?
Am I going to run out of money?
Is it ok for me to cry?
Is someone going to find out I don’t have it all figured out?
Where do I turn for answers?
And who can I share all of this with?

Let’s face it… there aren’t a whole lot of resources out there for us. When I went through my life coaching certification program, I was one of only three men in a room full of hundreds of women.

Here’s one thing society often forgets.

Men have lives too.

No matter what your current circumstances are, I want you to know one thing.

From my heart to yours…

You’re allowed to have it all. And yes, this can be easy.

Who I Work With

My clients don’t “need” me.

In fact, their lives are great. They work with me when they are ready to welcome in their next level of success and fulfillment. Our work together leaves no stone unturned, moving seamlessly through love, sex, money, family, God, death, health, and legacy.

I’ve worked with CEOs, television personalities, investment bankers, military officers, business coaches, authors, and public speakers.

I work with a small handful of clients at a time to ensure you are getting my full attention and awareness. And I’m extremely selective about the men I do work with. I work with men who are courageous action takers who are fully committed to getting new results.

If you’re ready to stop making excuses and start creating remarkable results in all areas of your life, then let’s talk.

>>Click Here To Setup Up A Consultation<<


Here Are Some Men Who Have Said Yes To Their Lives

I recently interviewed nine men who worked with me from the ages of 23 to 56 who have made massive shifts in their lives, all in the matter of less than 12 months. Their stories are inspiring, motivating, and real. This could be you.


What If I “Can’t Afford” Coaching?

Private coaching with me isn’t the only way through your life’s challenges.

I recently created a community for men just like you called The School For Men. It’s a global community of men committed to mastering the game of life. Check it out today. Registration for fall session is open from October 23-31.

Or if you’re totally new to any kind of personal development and/or don’t have the money to invest in your life, then read these six books right away. They’ve all greatly changed my life in various ways. I’ve read them all several times through.

  1. by David Deida
  2. by Dr. Robert Glover
  3. by Robert Bly
  4. by Kamal Ravikant
  5. by Michael A. Singer
  6. by MJ DeMarco

But remember…

Money is the strongest sign of commitment there is.

I’ll repeat that so it sinks in, because it’s one of the most valuable lessons I’ve learned since waking up.

Money is the strongest sign of commitment there is.

I’ve invested over $100,000 into my own development over the past several years and every time it’s the best decision I’ve ever made.

If you think investing in coaching is “expensive,” then you should try getting divorced or filing for bankruptcy.

When you’re ready for some new results, just reach out to my team at and we’ll support you the best we can.


Here’s What Some Of My Clients Have To Say


In just under six months of working with Mike I launched a $10,000 coaching program from a Facebook message and have cut the hours I work each week from 40+ to 20 or less. I’m happier than ever, less stressed, and my business isn’t completely disintegrating (as I feared when Mike had me start prioritizing play over work). Mike is a total badass, an amazing coach and exceptional human being. I’m grateful to know him and have his influence in my life and work.

Jonathan MeadFounder of

Working with Mike has been tremendous to say the least. He has the uncanny ability to create bulletproof confidence in anyone he comes across. After just one session, I increased my monthly coaching fee from $200/month to $1000/month and got my first client at that price within the week.

Max NachamkinFounder of

In less than two months of working with Mike, I’ve leveled up my life by decades. Mike pushes you to your edge, empowers you to demand more from yourself, and isn’t afraid to ask the tough questions. Watching him interact with other clients has confirmed in my mind that his ability to dissect and tackle complex issues is matched by few others in this industry.

Sam HershbergerFounder of and