The Men's CoachThe School for Men

I help Men create

Love, Power, and Freedom

in every area of their lives.

More sex, more money, more freedom.
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I’ve learned a ton in the past three years by starting a business from scratch while traveling full-time all over the world. Here are the absolute best programs, software, books, and resources that have helped me grow in both my business and in my life.


These programs have all helped thousands of people to uplevel their lives. Including myself.

  • Location Rebel – If I were to spend hundreds of hours creating a product on exactly how I run my business all over the world, this would be it. And lucky for me, my friend Sean Ogle took all the time to create that product so I don’t have to.
  • CopyHour – Studying copywriting has been one of the single most important things I’ve done in the past two years. If you can write remarkably well, you can literally create money out of thin air for you and your clients. My friend Derek Johanson’s program CopyHour is my program of choice. I’m going through my second iteration of it now.
  • Frequent Flyer Master – Click on this link from my friend Chris Guillebeau and purchase his product Frequent Flyer Master. It will be some of the best money you’ve ever spent. I haven’t bought a plane ticket in years.
  • The Foundation – Start a software company from scratch without having an idea or knowing how to code. Dane and Andy are two of my favorite men on the planet and they’re building an empire while helping thousands of people along the way (Note: I haven’t personally gone through the program, but many of my friends have with amazing results. As in, they actually have legitimate software companies.).


I personally use all of these services to make my life easier. They are all easily worth the cost for the convenience that they provide.

  • Namecheap – Where I buy domains.
  • Hostgator – Where I host websites.
  • Headway – How I easily built the first iteration of my site without knowing how to code. Thesis is good too.
  • Ontraport – Email marketing and affiliate management for all of those emails I send you.
  • Asana – My project management tool of choice for my team and I.
  • Shoeboxed – Eliminates any need for saving paper receipts. A must have for any business owner.
  • Eventbrite – Create free events and walk away with a mailing list. Or sell tickets to something huge.
  •  – Connect your friends, promote your events, and stay in touch with your tribe.
  • Boomerang for Gmail – Write an email now and have it sent later automatically at the perfect time.
  • Rapportive – Shows you everything you need to know about someone from their email address… automatically.
  • Screenhero – Collaborative screen sharing. This app is incredible.
  • Auto Pay Billing – I spend zero time paying my bills every month.


Each of these books have had a significant impact on my life. If you read all of these books, I promise you your life will be drastically different (for the better).


Without your health, all of the money, women, and material possessions in the world are worthless. Take care of your body. It’s the only body temple you’ll ever get in this lifetime.

  • Mark’s Daily Apple – I eat primarily a Paleo/Primal diet. This is the best website I’ve found on it.
  •  – An encyclopedia of body hacking advice.
  • Sleep – When I sleep enough, I create great work. When I don’t sleep enough, I create chaos in my life.
  • Movement – I move constantly. I’ll take calls outside while walking around the block or while doing light yoga routines. Lift heavy things and move a lot.
  • Meditation – Just do it. There’s a bajillion resources out there to help you get started. I personally use the Equanimity app.

Eliminate Distractions

This is purposely a short list. The less I have to carry through life, the more I have to give.

I’m not saying you should sell everything you own and start traveling the world like I did, but I have a hunch that you might have too much stuff. Sell it, donate it, or give it away. Breathe into your new space.

Create. Learn. Play. Repeat.

It works wonders for me.