The Men's CoachThe School for Men

I help Men create

Love, Power, and Freedom

in every area of their lives.

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And Here We Go…

If you’re reading this post in July 2011…

then you’re one of my close friends, a family member, or one of my work colleagues. You likely know that this blog has been an idea running around in my head for over the past year and many of you even helped me create it. Special thanks go out to the Braintrust (Drew, Matt, Kris, and Lisa), every amazing soul who I met at the World Domination Summit, and the 25 people (who through the power of crowdsourcing) gave me hundreds of tips and advice through the “” Brainstorm Session” Facebook group. Extra special thanks to from Passive Panda who led me through this journey step by step (and even created the logo).

If you’re reading this post in July 2012…

then you’re one of my hundreds of subscribers who are also committed to extracting every bit of life out of each and every day. You’re the ones that don’t fit in, challenge authority, refuse to live an average life, and always find a way to deliver extraordinary results in all aspects of your life. There’s probably also a good chance that I’ve surfed on your couch, traveled to exotic places together, shared conversation over drinks, and competed alongside each other in various athletic challenges.

If you’re reading this post in July 2013…

then you’re saying, “Wow, so this is where it all began.”

Welcome to the adventure.