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I’m Saying No In November

Just Say No To Those Extra Holiday Pounds

It’s pretty much a given that most of us gain weight over the last two months of the year. I’ve found over time that I tend to make more excuses during the holiday season and somehow rationalize extra calories that I usually wouldn’t consume. That and the fact that everything has pumpkin in it, which brings my self-control down to just about nothing. Pumpkin muffins, pumpkin lattes, pumpkin bread, pumpkin beer, you get the idea.

With Thanksgiving looming around the corner, I thought it would be good to do another little detox challenge. It won’t be as strict as the usual that Kris, Drew, Matt, Lisa and I do every six months (strict vegan, no refined sugar, no alcohol, no drugs, no caffeine, no harmful thoughts toward others) but it should get the job done. And it’s not even going to be a full month this time!

My goal is to detox for the first 21 days of November before the epic cheat day of all cheat days that is known to us as Thanksgiving. My first (and probably last) “I’m Saying No in November” Detox will consist of:

  • No grains (read here on why grains are unhealthy)
  • No dairy
  • No alcohol
  • No refined sugar
  • No caffeine
  • No Facebook
  • No walking out the door without doing yoga every morning

I’m throwing Facebook in there just for kicks. My good buddy Kris Sharma just went Facebook free and I’m interested in what life without Facebook would be like. I definitely am on it way too much, mostly on my smart phone. Which means I’ll get to find something new to do when I’m stuck in traffic or walking from building to building.

And my yoga practice just isn’t what it used to be back when I was teaching regularly. I’m not going to put a time limit on the amount of yoga every morning, but it has to be at least some.

Care to join me? It’s not even a whole month. You can do it!

Leave a comment on the blog with what you’re committing to for these 21 days (cause I won’t see them on Facebook). You can do as much or as little as you want. Any step in the right direction is still worthwhile, no matter how small it is.

Happy detoxing.

[Photo Credit]

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