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I Fell Out Of My Office Chair And Started Crying

I Fell Out Of My Office Chair And Started Crying

A couple of weeks ago, I wrote a post in the private Facebook group that I run for The Conference For Men attendees.

It’s where we regularly pour our hearts out and ask for support and accountability when we need it.

That night I was feeling extra frustrated at the lack of male role models in my life.

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I wish I could share all of the comments they shared. So much wisdom.

And we all shared similar stories.

As men, many of us are out there struggling to figure out who’s footsteps to follow.

Including myself.

We see men who have some attributes that we aspire to model, but then they fall short miserably in other areas.

For me, the less than flashy attributes of men are what I admire the most. It’s how I create the inner circle around me that supports me through my toughest times.

Integrity, purpose, character, discipline, honor, virtue, and heart. These are a few of my favorite things.

Today I was on the phone with Brian Johnson and Travis Hellstrom from en*theos. I used to read Brian’s Philosopher’s Notes years ago. I can easily say he’s one of my personal heroes.

After spending an hour strategizing, planning, and philosophizing, I had a burning desire to ask Brian something.

A piece of me was terrified to ask.

It was kind of crazy.

But I went for it anyway.

“Brian, I’m just dying to ask you this. Will you be my mentor? I would just love to have someone like you to check in with every once in a while. You can totally say no. I know you’re super busy.”

Without thinking twice, he sent me a link to his private calendar via Skype and said, “Here you go. Go crazy with it.”

Then I thanked Brian and Travis so much for their time.

Then I hung up our Skype call.

Then I fell out of my office chair and started crying on the ground.

Support feels good.


PS – Do you want to know why I was meeting on Skype with Brian and Travis? I’m super excited to share that I’m doing a free symposium with en*theos called The School For Men next year that is going to be THE online event for men in 2015! I’m going to interview some of the most amazing men I know in my usual no holds barred style to share with men hours of the most content-rich, eye opening and transparent conversations around being a man that you’ve ever heard.

PPS – En*theos is one of the greatest companies in the world. No joke. I’m a raving fan for life. If you need a little more inspiration, motivation, and transformation in your life, check them out here.

[Photo Credit]

  • Jackie Lea Shelley

    Mike, have you ever met or heard of AJ Leon? He’s sort of my #1 role model and one of the most beautiful people I know. Another is Victor Saad. Thinking if you aren’t familiar with those guys, you for sure will want to take a look at their stuff. <3 and

    Also, do your mentors have to be men? Why?

    • Mike Hrostoski

      Most of my mentors have actually been women. Martha Beck, Lisa Fabrega, Kat Bird, and even Liz to an extent.

      For me a highly developed heart space is necessary for me to trust that person. Which is probably why I’m so comfortable in the world of women.

      Now I’m pushing my masculine edge. In work, in my fitness routines, and even in my thinking.

      So yes, in this moment, my mentors need to be men.

      Because that’s the edge that I’m pushing.

  • Travis Hellstrom

    I loved our call Mike, I love your heart and your honesty. After our call my friend (who was in the other room) said, “What the heck were you laughing so hard at?! I thought you were going to fall out of your chair!” I love watching you and Bri go back and forth and it was an honor to be part of the conversation.

    I am so excited for what we are doing together and, like I mentioned on our call, I’m so proud of what you are creating and doing for men around the world. I admire you and Bri a ton and look forward to many more incredible conversations together. Thank you for sharing your heart. :)

    • Mike Hrostoski

      Yeah, that was pretty epic. I’m glad you were there.

      And I’m sooooo glad I have you to push me on these deadlines. :)

  • Dave Isaacs

    Mike I am interested to know more about the school for men project next year.
    Please keep me in the loop.

    Love and respect
    Dave isaacs

  • Ryan

    Mike, Brian moved me to tears during a video conf call too – I didn’t fall out my chair (I was standing) but I did have to leave out team meeting and collect myself . Just a few hours ago in fact.

    Looking forward to your Symposium!! :)

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