The Men's CoachThe School for Men

I help Men create

Love, Power, and Freedom

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Happy New Year! More Coaching Fun!

It’s 5:45am.

I’m sitting in the kitchen at Dan’s apartment (affectionately known in our circle of friends as ). Tonight we rang in the new year in NYC at the Armin van Buuren show. My feet are throbbing, my ears are ringing and my heart is full.

At one point during the show one of my friends turned to me and said, “You know what Mike… I know you’re working on building a business from scratch this year, but I just know you’re going to be ok.”

And I agree. I don’t know what I’m doing yet, but every expert was once a total beginner. So I’m prepared to suck at this whole “start a business” thing for a while knowing that everything I do is just a new experience to learn from. It’s all one big experiment, just like life.

I was planning on launching my coaching practice full-blast in January, but I had so much fun coaching ten clients for free last month that I want to do something similar this month.

So for January, I’m offering 10 more spots for one-on-one coaching to help you hit the ground running in 2013. Sessions will start on either January 7 or 8 and will run every week for four weeks. My rates in the near future will be $800/month or $2000/quarter (after much benchmarking and discussion), but for this round I’ll accept whatever you can afford.

To be considered for the program, fill out .

I’ll leave the application up through Friday, January 4 at 12pm EST and then I’ll reach out to those who were selected for the program.

Wishing you a totally kick-ass January,


PS – I have testimonials now. Like a boss.

“Mike’s someone who I felt comfortable with right off the bat. His listening skills and positive energy translated into open and honest dialogue where we could break down my fears, goals, and progress on a weekly basis. If you’re looking to make a change in your life—as I was with my outlook and perceptions of personal relationships—I highly recommend getting in touch.” – Chris, Design Firm Owner

“What I found most valuable about the coaching sessions were the effortless epiphanies and “aha” moments.
Beginning in week two, I felt some unused portion of my soul/mind/spirit which was previously in “sleep mode” finally boot up.

Mike’s has a gift for listening deeply and intently. There were times I was mind-vomiting in a dozen different directions and he always managed to catch the important bits and respond back in a positive, helpful direction.”  – Matt, Systems Engineer

“Mike did a very good job at introducing new life coaching concepts that weren’t exactly familiar and could seem odd in a very approachable, enjoyable way. What I found most valuable about the coaching sessions was just taking the time to look inward and assess certain traits I act upon on a daily basis but did not realize I had. I found the time that we spent together “finding the answers I already know” to be extremely helpful and valuable.” – Bill, Internet Entrepreneur

“In just four sessions, Mike helped me access the tools and resources already available to me to take a business idea I had and start the process of developing a concept and company.  Had Mike not helped push me and hold me accountable for my goals every week, this process would have taken at least twice as long or possibly not even happened at all.” – Elliot, Marketing Manager