The Men's CoachThe School for Men

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Turning Semi-Pro

Sunset & the Thinker

If you’re reading this, then you haven’t unsubscribed from my list or unfriended me on Facebook. I’m glad you like blog posts about boners.

It’s been a fun process “” and going into full-on business mode since January 1 (after working completely for free in 2012). Last month I coached another batch of 10 amazing clients, all with inspiring results. I’ve been working with a branding ninja on my site redesign. I even met with my lawyer/accountant/ultramarathoner this morning to talk about that whole tax thing.

There’s still a tiny piece of me that feels like I’m not good enough to be doing this work, but it’s getting smaller and smaller every time I get off the phone with one of my clients. I’d be lying to you if I said I didn’t have any doubts come up from time to time. Fortunately though, I’m building up a mountain of evidence that this work is changing lives.

With that said, I’m almost ready to launch my coaching practice full time, but I’m going to give you once last chance to work with me before my rates are set through the end of the year.

So for February/March, I’m offering 10 more spots for one-on-one coaching. Sessions will start on either February 19 or 20 and will run every week for four weeks. My rates in the near future will be $800/month or $2000/quarter, but for this last round I’ll accept whatever you can afford.

To be considered for the program, fill out .

I expect a lot of responses for this round, so get your applications in ASAP.

I’ll leave it open through Saturday, February 16 at 12pm EST and then I’ll reach out to those who were selected for the program.


P.S. – In other exciting news, this weekend I’ll be traveling to Ojai, CA for three days to study directly with David Deida in one of his weekend intensives. Twelve men, twelve women, and a whole lot of SexMagicAwesomeSauce. If you haven’t heard of him, he’s the author of , which is easily one of the top five books that has had the most impact on me as a man.

If you had a private audience with David Deida, what would you ask him? Leave a comment below or message me privately and I’ll bring your questions to California with me.

photo by: Esparta
  • PaulH82

    Thats a really good deal youre offering with you sessions, Michael. Good work!

  • Erwinlucy

    Hi Michael, spoke to your Dad. Am living in Happy Valley, CA after 5 yrs in Mexico, then OR, and Lake Havasu. This climate is great and bucolic. Good for old people to settle. Alex is in Coast Guard SARS, Eureka, Ca with wife Cat and 2 babies. Matt lives in Portland, OR. Since Erwin died in 2002 I have traveled the world and have united with Paul Chan since fall of 2005. I read the Bible everyday and do watch world affairs. Have spent several weeks recently in Egypt, Israel, Jordan, Oman, Dubai. I am looking forward to the future and seeing all our loved ones Luke 20:38. Take care of yourself.

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