The Men's CoachThe School for Men

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Are You The One?


Every decision that has radically changed my life for the better started with a click of the mouse button and an investment in myself.

Yoga teacher certification program: $2750

World Domination Summit: $300 (I think? 2011 was so long ago.)

Ticket to Skip Winter: $1500

Martha Beck’s life coach training program: $7000

David Deida’s 3-Day Intensive: $3000

David Deida’s 5-Day Advanced Intensive: $5000

Over the years I could have put that money in a Roth IRA or a 401K and I would be around $20,000 wealthier and 100% less equipped to handle my relationships with women, my work, and the world.

I was sleepwalking for most of my life.

Then my mom died, I started living every day like it was my last, and I surrounded myself with some of the smartest people on the Internet.

Now the world is my playground.

Whether I’m hosting an after party for 250 of my friends at WDS, coaching some of the baddest assed men I know, or jamming about entrepreneurship live on Google Hangouts every week, it’s ALL play.

And I invite one of you to play with me through the end of the year.

In the past year, I’ve helped some of my clients and friends:

  • Raise their rates by 100%
  • Negotiate a 30% raise
  • Land their first paying client
  • Say “I Love You” for the first time in years
  • Launch product ideas they’ve been sitting on for months
  • Get crystal clear on who they serve and how they serve them
  • Open their hearts again to their lovers, their parents, or their clients
  • Quit their mind-numbing job without dying or ending up homeless
  • Have crazy, awesome, cosmic sex that makes time move in slow motion
  • Make fistfuls of money (yes, more than one fistful)

And in the spirit of play, I’m throwing out an offer for one brave individual.

Here is a link to work with me in a way that I’ve never offered before.

I don’t know what our relationship is exactly going to look like yet, because I’m not sure what your needs and desires are.

But whatever they are, I’m sure I can help you get them.

All I know for certain is that I’ll overdeliver like a motherfucker.

And I’ll be in your corner through the end of the year.

Now let’s go put a dent in the universe.


Update: The One sold in less than three hours. Until next time. If there is one.

  • Mike Hrostoski

    Well, it lasted less than three hours.

    Samuel Hershberger…

    You are The One.

  • Niwagaba Roland

    ARRRRGHHH….are you sure there is no second slot. Cant believe I saw this a day later :(

    • Mike Hrostoski

      Yep. No second slot. Then it would be The Two. Doesn’t have quite the same ring to it. :)

      • Niwagaba Roland

        Oh well. Guess the planets are not yet aligned in my favour. Samuel, I would have loved to say may the force be with you but I guess it now is!

        • Samuel Hershberger

          Appreciate that :)

          Cheers to you.

  • Shelly Tregembo

    Just saw my very first Google Hangout (FB friends with Molly) and saw you put The One out there. I clicked the link and saw “SOLD OUT”!!! So excited for you and very intrigued at what this will bring for you and the lucky Samuel. :)

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