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I Have No Competitors

I Have No Competitors

I just got off the phone with Srinivas Rao to secure my spot at The Instigator Experience.

One could look at us and say that we are competitors.

I’m throwing an epic event in April in Southern California. He’s throwing an epic event in April in Southern California.

I’m selling my event to 300 amazing men who are committed to growth, excellence, and service. He’s selling his event to 60 amazing people who are committed to growth, excellence, and service.

My event costs a little under a thousand dollars. His event costs a little over a thousand dollars.

I should hate this guy right?

He’s taking potential business away from me.

But I don’t.

In fact, I’m going to be one of the 60 people in attendance on April 4 and 5 in Los Angeles. I fully support what he’s creating and I can’t wait to be there.

And instead of just taking my money and emailing me a ticket, Srini called me personally to invite me to the event. And then he stayed on the phone with me for 30 minutes to share with me everything that he’s learned about event planning while building his event.

And he’s going to have me on his wildly successful show Blogcast FM in January to have a conversation around the work I do.

That’s one example.


I recently met up with a friend at a book launch. He said he really wanted to do some coaching work with me.

I was standing there with Sam so I told my friend to get on the phone with a couple coaches to see what feels best for him. As I said this I recommended that he got on the phone with Sam as well since he’s a really effective coach. And I introduced the two of them together.

I also sent him my coaching interest form.

Sam got on the phone with him first. And now he’s working with Sam. How did I feel about it when Sam told me?

“But wait, that was MY lead! That was my client!”

Nope. Not even for a second.

When Sam told me he was going to work with this client I was ecstatic. They’re going to do some great things together. And my friend is going to do the work that he needs to do.

That’s a second example.


Last night, I was interviewed by Michael Taylor on his BlogTalkRadio show A New Conversation With Men.

As he was introducing himself, he had almost the same EXACT tagline and messaging as I do. He’s also on a mission to make the world a better place one man at a time.

Did I get upset? Did I feel threatened that this guy is trying to steal my business out from under me?

Hell no! This guy’s on the same team as me. We’re allies on the same mission.

It was one of the most enjoyable interviews I’ve had in a while. I could have talked to him for hours.

That’s a third example.


You see, I have no competitors.

I’m truly one of a kind.

The work that I do is unlike anything else out there in the marketplace. Because I am unlike anything else out there in the marketplace.

And so are you.

How do you show up in your relationships with your “competitors?” You know there’s enough business out there for all of us right?


PS – Tickets are available for The Conference For Men. We’re going to be making a huge marketing push in December and January so if you’re interested, buy your ticket now.

  • Carolyn Messere

    Thank God you think this. There aren’t nearly enough men coaching men. It’s so needed! I’m excited to get to meet you in LA next April at The Instigator Experience!

  • Michael Taylor

    One of the great illusions of our society is this whole idea of insufficiency. Most people are afraid that “there’s not enough for everybody” and therefore they create the fear of not enough. This internal fear unconsciously sabotages people from living abundant lives. The fact of the matter is, “there is more than enough for everyone.” We live in an infinite Universe and our only limitations are our own imaginations.

    You are absolutely correct in your assertion that you have no competitors. Your only competition is your ego and your own limiting beliefs about whats possible for you and your business.

    As mentioned in our interview, as long as you focus your attention on being in service and providing great value for your services there are no limits to the amount of money you can make. The key is to share your gifts with an open heart and an open mind with the intention of being in service. Once you do that, the Universe will support you in ways that you may not be able to imagine.

    I have the utmost confidence that you will be extremely successful in all of your endeavors because your heart is in the right place and you are providing a valuable service that will make the world a better place. You can’t lose, and yes we are definitely on the same team.

    Good luck!

  • Jennifer Sunday

    It is always better to have a wealth of great ideas from like minded people with brilliant minds, than to have a wealth of things and be alone.

  • Paul Jarvis

    Competition = Community of like-minds.

  • ATerribleHusband

    Love this mindset. I, too, see the world full of cooperators within a space rather than competitors within the space. I never understood the scarcity mentality. Love to see your take, Mike. Just landed here and loving what I’m seeing so far.

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