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12 Articles Every Man Should Read

10 Articles Every Man Should Read

The problem with the Internet is that the barriers to entry of starting a website are virtually nothing. Which means anyone can buy a domain, get hosting, and start putting their thoughts online.

Some of the writing on the Internet is amazing. And some of it is misleading, poorly researched, or confusing.

Here are 12 articles that I think all men should read. Some of the writers focus on helping men as a career and others are entrepreneurs or bloggers whose voices have had a great impact on my life.

One of the primary goals of my writing is to change the way men view their relationships with women, with other men, and with themselves. These articles are all a great place to start.


1. American men’s hidden crisis: They need more friends!

Lisa Webb, a sociology professor and researcher, talks about a problem facing men today. They need more friends! It’s a problem that I’m working on combatting with The Conference For Men.


2. How To Create A Lifelong Brotherhood

Jonathan Mead talks about the importance of brotherhood and how to get more of it in your life.


3. A New Masculinity

Mark Manson offers up a new model of masculinity. Note: I can’t recommend Mark’s writing enough. He’s one of the best writers I know. It would greatly serve you to get lost on his website for a couple of hours.


4. Are You A Boy Or A Man?

Leigh Louey-Gung gives a list of 22 traits that separate the men from the boys. I agree with most of them. It’s a good list to perhaps do some journaling around.


5. The New (and Improved) Definition of Success

Phil Drolet offers a new definition of success (which is pretty close to mine). And it’s not about what you own or what you accomplish.


6. The Ultimate Guide To Body Language For Men

Max Nachamkin gives us a guide to showing up as our best selves in regards to our body language. Incredibly well-researched article with lots of actionable advice.


7. Our Deepest Fear: What Prevents Men From Connecting With Women?

Shogo Garcia discusses what really keeps men from making connections with the women that they are interested in.


8. David Deida? Run The Other Way.

Jim Benson discusses the work of David Deida and whether or not men are ready for it. It’s personally changed my life completely, but I see some of his points.


9. Dropping Out Of College And Into Life

David Hrostoski discusses making a bold move in the face of fear despite conventional wisdom.


10. The Complete Guide to Not Giving a Fuck

Julien Smith discusses in great detail one of my favorite concepts… giving zero fucks about the opinions of others. #0Fucks


11. Why Men Are So Obsessed With Sex

Steve Bearman shares why men are obsessed with sex in this quintessential article about being a man.


12. The Word Should Is Ruining Your Life

Samuel Hershberger doesn’t like the word “should.” I don’t either.


Who else did I leave off of this list? Whose work has helped you level up in your life as a man? What articles have shifted your thinking around for the better?

Leave names of your favorite writers or links to articles in the comments below.


PS  – Share this list with the men in your life who mean the most to you.

  • Don

    The ‘Body Language’ link is dead :(

    • Mike Hrostoski

      Looks like Bluehost is down. Temporary issue.

      • Max Nachamkin

        Looks like my site was hacked :(

  • Phil

    Brian Johnson (Philosopher’s Notes)
    Tripp Lanier (The New Man)
    Both have had a tremendously positive impact on my life!

  • Mike Hrostoski

    And I haven’t finished it, but I skimmed through Owen Marcus’s new book and it’s pretty good.

  • Darrin Carlson

    Looks like I have some reading to do! 😉

    My #1 article I think all men should read is undoubtedly “Is There Anything Good About Men?”

    Controversial. And essential.

  • David Hrostoski

    Thank you for adding me to this list! :) Honored to have my post on here.

  • Justin Miller

    Curious, did you use personal experience or communicated with others about the good and bad information that is available in the internet?

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