The Men's CoachThe School for Men

I help Men create

Love, Power, and Freedom

in every area of their lives.

More sex, more money, more freedom.
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This Is Burning Man

This Is Burning Man

Last year I went to Burning Man for the first time. It was easily one of the most pivotal events of my life. So much expansion, pushing of edges, and… Read On


2012 Annual Review: Did That Just Happen?

Staring head into the last few days and nights of 2012, I can’t help but feel a great sense of gratitude for the past year. I spent part of the… Read On


Nonstop Awesomeness

In the past I’ve had some awesome nights. I’ve also had some awesome days. On a rare occasion I had some awesome weeks. But never have I had a stretch of… Read On

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Today’s 7000 Dollar Impulse Purchase

Today I signed up for Martha Beck’s life coach training program starting in June. It costs $7000. It’s going to rock. And I’ll be knocking off a HUGE personal goal… Read On


The Spontaneous Marathon: A Marathon With No Training

This Wednesday morning I ran a marathon. With no training. In a city where there isn’t a flat stretch of land any longer than a couple hundred feet. It wasn’t… Read On